Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Weekend in Ottawa

We went to Kathy and Joe's for one last visit before we leave. They moved into a new house which is just adorable and totally them! I ended up getting sick with the flu, which sucked but we still managed to have a great time just chatting and hanging out. This is Kathy and Tyson. Tyson a.k.a Bear is SO cuddly. He really is a big bear, or baby bear depending on the day:) Thanks guys for having us and a special thanks for the Christmas gift! We're going to miss you guys!
This pretty much sums up how I felt for most of the weekend. Thank God for Advil. I hope I don't make Kathy and Joe sick!
Kathy and Joe and their baby puppy. They have 2 dogs, Max and Tyson and they're both adorable. I LOVE their ears!
Kath and Joe cooking dinner. The kitchen in their new place is really nice!
This is the lamb that Joe made...He's quite the cook! Steve REALLY liked the lamb and their endless supply of chocolates!
Joe and his lamb. Baaa. Sorry Katie and Melissa (vegetarian friends...hehe).
Kathy and Steve reading the paper.
Their Christmas tree. Very pretty.
Kathy, looking lovely as always.


Kat said...

Looks like you had a nice time. Hope you feel better soon! :)

Kristi Drennan said...

That looks like your kid picture from the year book. You were making quite a similar face! He he he! Feel better!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I forgive you for eating the lamb! Baaa...