Thursday, April 17, 2008

3 Days Untill......

My first 1/2 Marathon.....(21km) I'm hoping to finish within 2 hours, but I think a more likely time would be around 2 hrs 10 minutes. As always I'll be happy with whatever time I finish with.... I've been running a lot more the last 2 months, also the distance of the runs has increased. 6.5 km used to be my long run and 5km was my short normal run. Now my short run is 8km and my long runs will range between 12 and 18km (I do the long runs on weekends) A monthly km total used to be around 60 or 70km, now its around 120 to 140km. I've noticed a huge increase in my ability to run harder for longer and my recover time has become a lot shorter. On the flip side I've had a couple minor injuries because of the increased amount of running.
My weight is starting to drop again, I weighed in at 186 pounds on Wed, a new low. Only 6 pounds left to reach my 180 pound goal. I'm hoping to reach that by my birthday in June. That will give me a grand total of 44 pounds lost since I got to Brisbane (I arrived here weighing 224 pounds) Also, my mom will be here for the race so it will be nice to have someone else cheering me on.

Steve (pulled groin) Dickinson


Cari said...

you're going to do awesome!!! i just feel it!:)

Anonymous said...

I am so impressed. It must feel great to be that fit. Good luck with the run and keep up the good work.