Saturday, March 24, 2007

My kind of new job...

So, I got a job...kind of. I had the interview at the Holistic Medicine Centre on Thursday morning and they had me go in yesterday for 5 hours to be trained. I am also going in on Monday for the day for more training. So far, I really enjoy it. It's a small clinic but it's busy! It keeps you on your toes! I think I will learn a lot working there. I already learned how to mix some of the Chinese Herbs (Steve says he pictures me in a witch's hat, stirring a big pot, when I talk about doing this). Anyway, hopefully on Monday, they will let me know if I am actually going to start there fulltime (well not fulltime but 30 hours a week...9 to 3, Monday to great is that?!). I think yesterday went really well. There is a lot to learn but it's like any job, with time, it'll all come easy. So, I'm going with the flow and hoping that they are happy with me after Monday and everything just falls into place...Fingers crossed!


George said...

Right on!
Way to go sis.
I have no doubt you will excel.....we saved the brains for the

(big bro

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a cool place to work!That's great and I am sure you will do really well.

Kat said...

Congrats! That's great that there's lots to learn! Fill us in on the potions;) Sounds like fun!
Btw..I love your bro's comment!

Kristie said...

yay Cari! congrats on the job!

Anonymous said...

Awesome Cari, I'm so happy for you! Good to hear. If they start getting you into animal sacrifice though, I'd quit. :)