Sunday, November 29, 2009
Not the usual freedoms, like leaving the toilet seat up, throwing my dirty cloths anywhere I want, not washing the sheets until I have to pry them from the mattress with a paint scrapper or just simply watching a movie as loud as I damn well please.
No, my new freedom was much more, and one I thought I would never again have.
For years now I have been suppressed by a wife, who although means well, has nonetheless prevented me from expressing my culinary mastery. It hurts me to have to speak negatively of a woman who comes so close to being perfect, who can light up a room just form a single laugh and who probably doesn't have any idea of the languish she has put me through over the last 10 years.
Today I made a beef stew, a beef stew that I think is the best one I have ever created.
Why you ask. Why is this the stew that all stews henceforth will now be judged from.
That one single ingredient was the difference between merely a stew made for a meal, but a master piece worthy of words that I can't seem to come up with.
Yes Cari, I know you don't like mushrooms in beef stew but I will no longer be silenced.
Steve (burnt his tongue bad while tasting his beef stew) Dickinson
Thursday, November 26, 2009
This is the life!
I'm catching up on blogs, email and facebook on Heather's laptop while she patiently covers my entire head in foils. Really, does it get any better than this?
Best things about home so far...
...Tim Hortons chocolate chip muffins! Actually everything from Tims!
...visiting with my Nanny. Gosh, she is such a funny lady!
...dinner with my family.
...Shopping at Frenchys. Oh. My. Goodness. Frenchys!!! All used clothes, all cheap, all wonderful! I went to 2 different Frenchys on my first day and spent $90! I scored 3 dresses, 4 skirts, a gazillion shirts and even a handbag and scarf. I also bought a new suitcase there for 5 bucks to take everything back in!
...Chattin' with my Mama over a cup of tea:)
To be honest, it's absolutely amazing being home again. I knew I missed it, I just didn't realize how much. I even missed the smell of the Canadian air and gazing up at a Canadian sky. Hello, big dipper!
Monday, November 23, 2009
34 hours later and I'm here!
Friday, November 20, 2009
One more sleep!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Shepparton Half Ironman
For starters, I'm taking 2 weeks off from any form of exercise. Cari leaves for Canada this Saturday and I'll be heading to Byron Bay, meeting up with 5 friends to do nothing but relax for 4 days. So excited!
When I get back I'd like to find a good triathlon club to join, nothing is better then training with other like minded people, so far I've been going at it pretty much on my own, armed only with a training program that I downloaded off the net.
I'm going to enter the Geelong half Ironman which is on Feb 7th 2010. In December I'll do my first sprint triathlon, (500m swim, 20km cycle and 5km run) that will be held just down the street near St. Kilda.
Pending any work issues, I'd like to do a full IronMan next December in Perth. That's not yet a commitment, but I'm taking steps now to see if I can make it happen.
Steve (half a man) Dickinson
Monday, November 16, 2009
5 More Sleeps!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Steve...You ROCK!!!
Friday, November 13, 2009
It's here!
But, for real...Good Luck Babe! You've worked so hard! I've been so proud of you these last few months! Break a how about we just stick with good luck!:)
Stay tuned for photos! Have a great weekend everyone!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Holy Hot!
Sunday, November 08, 2009
A Sunday completely devoted to summer...
This weekend temps hit 32 degrees both days. Steve and I decided to spend a few hours at the beach today. It was so nice to hop in the car, drive 15 minutes and be at one of many great beaches. I really love love love living in Melbourne!:)
We went swimming, relaxed in the sun, caught some much needed rays (WOW, I'm pale!) and ate ice cream. The perfect day at the beach!
Then, this evening we went for a little stroll through the botanical gardens, which are just around the corner from our house. They really are quite impressive. All the rain we've had over the last few months have really helped the gardens to blossom!
Friday, November 06, 2009
Your hair:
Is newly BLOND! Yah!
Where is your cell phone?
Buried in the bottom of my work bag, still on silent. I'm terrible at remembering to keep my ringer on and my phone out! Sorry in advance to anyone who ever tries to call me!
Your mother:
Lives on the other side of the world, yet I always know she's right there if I need her:) xoYour father: Appreciated the simple things in life. You know, like 8 cans of sardines individually wrapped in his stocking or a root beer after he'd been racking leaves.
Your favorite food:
Your dream from last night: Hmmm...I can't remember.
Your favorite drink: Strawberry or vanilla thick-shakes and Chardonnay.
Your dream/goal: To travel, travel, travel. See all I can of this world! Oh and maybe have one of these little squirts...
What room are you in: Living room.
What is your hobby: Blogging, crafting, sewing, baking. A few of my favorite things:)
What is your fear: Okay, don't laugh but I have this new bizarre fear of a possum falling on me! It all started when I rolled open our rolling garage door and a possum and her baby fell out right beside me! They were sleeping inside the rolled up part. I. almost. dropped. dead. SERIOUSLY. Since then, I have had dreams of possums landing on me and clawing me and not letting go. I've woke up screaming a couple of times! I avoid walking under trees at night and very sloooowly open the garage door!
Where were you last night: Rox Salon, getting my hair done.
Something you are not: A hard-ass. Much more of a mush-ball;)
Muffins: One of my favorite things! I'm currently obsessed with the white chocolate and raspberry muffins at the cafe by my work! YUM!
Wish list items: This camera and a couch!
Where did you grow up: Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Last thing you did: Fed Jesse supper. Do you know that they don't say "supper" in Australia? They don't even know what it means!
What are you wearing: PJs...been wearing them all day! Pyjama day at work:)
Your TV: Needs to be dusted!
Your pets:
You mean this guy who thinks he's human and gets huffy if I wake him up too early? Ah, Bum Rubs...I wove you.
Your friends: All live too far away!
Your life: Is pretty awesome, I have to say!:)
Your mood:
Creative. I'm going to make some Christmas stuff after this!! I know it's early, but bare in mind, I'm going home to Canada for 2 weeks!
Missing someone:
Can't wait to catch up with my sisters and brother when I go home!
Vehicle: 2 Door Manual Toyota Yaris.
Something you’re not wearing:
Socks or shoes.
Your favorite store:
Gosh, I dunno. I really, really like thrift shopping. Does "thrift store" count?
Your favorite color: I have NO idea. I've never been able to answer this question! It's too stressful to choose!
When’s the last time you laughed: Today at work. Actually, I laugh a lot at work. The kids are pretty funny! I laughed especially hard today when one little boy asked how I turned my hair "lello";)
When’s the last time you cried: Hmmm...I'm a bit of a sap, so I cry often! I think the last time was on Tuesday! A good cry is good for the soul!:)
Your best friend:
Is a little cranky at the moment...
Luckily, best friend #2 rarely gets cranky!
One place you go over and over: Thai restaurant around the corner for take-away.
One person who emails me regularly:
Hmmm...not really anyone on a real regular basis. Although, this chick always makes an effort to find time to keep in touch via email...
Thanks Stace!
Favorite place to eat: many restaurants...I *love* eating out! But, I also love picnics!:)
Where do you want to be in 6 years: Anywhere that I'm surrounded by people I love, work that inspires me, good health and lots of happiness!:)
Okay, so now it's your turn! Copy, paste and share!:)