Thursday, June 26, 2008

A rant.

Okay, if one more person comments to me that dressing warm isn't very "Canadian" of me, I'm gonna SCREAM!!! Australians don't dress warm, at least here in Brisbane they don't. Parents send their kids to school at 7 am in shorts and t-shirts when it's 8 degrees. I'm sorry but wearing a warm jacket is not wimpy of me, I think it's just plain smart! Perhaps we Canadians know that 8 degrees when it's damp and overcast is chilly, and therefore warm clothes are in order! It's almost as though Aussies take pride in never being cold. They're always bragging..."It's not cold!" I have never coped well with cold weather, not just mentally, but physically as well, and I'm not afraid to admit it! I swear I used to have a permanent stiff neck from November to March in Canada, from holding my body so stiff in the cold. Also, some of you may remember that my hands would become so dry as soon as the weather turned cold that they would get red, crack and bleed, even with hand cream use? Well, this is the exact way that I know I have acclimatized to Australian winter. My hands are cracking and are SO dry and sore, ever since we've had a few cold mornings! I don't think washing them in freezing cold water at the staff bathroom several times a day helps, but there isn't even a hot water option! Seriously, I don't think we are Canadian folk are wimpy, we're just plain brillant and perhaps the Aussies could take a lesson from us! Dress warm, wash your hands with warm water when it's cold and oh yeah!, heat your homes!!!! There, I feel much better!;)


Kristi Drennan said...

yeah those aussies are crazy. 8 degrees isn't very warm...especially if it's way hot the rest of the year! And what's with the no hot water situation!! I didn't find any mitt/gloves for you yet...I'm gonna hit up mountain equiptment and see if they have them there. Do you want me to get my Mom to make you newfie mitts in the meantime?? She totally will!

Clotilde said...

I 100% agree. They are nuts to let themselves be cold. Although a lot of Aussies downtown wear woolen coats, gloves and boots, but they mostly wear them on the warmer mornings! Odd...