Tuesday, June 24, 2008

This is where we're camping this weekend...

...should be fun but chilly! Luckily, I just bought a winter coat! That's something I never thought I would be buying in Australia, but it's cold first thing in the morning and seeing as I have to be at work by about 6:45 am and most of my time is spent with the kids outside, I needed one! Plus, Melbourne is going to be very chilly at the end of July...
The windiest time of the year in Melbourne begins in July. There may be several days in succession of strong, cold north to northwest winds, often with cloud and some light rain. The weather is frequently cold and cloudy. The few days of calm sunny weather are accompanied by cold nights with frost or fog. Fog usually forms late in the evening and clears by mid-morning, but occasionally persists for the whole day during July. There are usually a few very cold days with strong southerly winds and showers, light snow may fall on the hills within 35 km of the city centre. On rare occasions, snow even falls in the city. The year's coldest day, with a maximum temperature of about 9ºC, usually occurs during July. Some rain falls on an average of one day in two; on some of these days there may be only a little drizzle or a light shower. The highest number of wet days in any one-month in the city is twenty-seven, in August 1939. However, heavy rain is rare at this time of the year. In late August there are some warmer days, when the temperature usually reaches 20ºC for the first time since May."


Kristi Drennan said...

weird that you have to buy a winter jacket...but fun to bundle up! You'll have to post a pic of it.

Paul said...

Very good blog you have put togeather (Now july 2008) try coming to
"Gracemere My Place"
for some good info and pic's