Thursday, February 07, 2008


Hello Faithful Readers!
It's been awhile since I've shared an update on our lives. That's mostly been contributed to the fact that we haven't been doing a whole heck of a lot! The rain hasn't stopped in ages and this week has been the craziest rain ever! Brisbane has got 12 month's worth of rain in 2008. So, a year's worth of rain in just over a month. Wow. Yesterday, was the kicker though. I have NEVER seen rain like that before. Rivers were flowing down the sides of the streets. Drains looked like water fountains. The underground parking lot where I was getting groceries became a swimming pool, which involved removing your shoes and wading to your car. Streets flooded so badly in parts of the city near to where we live that cars were in water up to their hoods, or bonnets as they say here. Check out these pics...,23816,5029364-17382,00.html. I was SO wishing I had my own camera with me! I personally have loved the rain, after a year of sunshine, but I can see why people are getting tired of it now. The dams that were getting so low have come up 30% though, which is great! That's gotta add at least a minute onto our 4 minute showers, don't you think??
In other news, the Purdys have arrived safe and sound. They stayed with us over the weekend, where we got to do a little exploring around the city and some shopping. They're now in a temporary apartment not far from us. It's nice having them around again! Hopefully Mr. Sun will introduce himself and they'll get a taste of an Australian beach over the weekend!
Other than that, it's been the same ole, same ole. Hope everyone reading this is doing well!

1 comment:

Kristie said...

wow - looks a lot like Seattle ;-)