Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Results from the race...

I got the results back from the race....
960 people took park in the 10km event.
The 1st place time was 32 minutes and 25 seconds, thats just a little over 3 minutes per km.
The last place time was 1 hour 53 minutes, thats about 11 minutes per km
And I placed 448th, with a time of 56 minutes and six seconds, thats about 1 km every 5 and half minutes ish.....



Missa's adventures said...

That's pretty amazing for your first race! In the middle of the pack! Nice job :)

Cari said...

what a man, what a man, what a man, what a mighty good man! what a mighty! mighty! come on...you know you wanna burst into song with me! i'm sure you just sang the words in your head...good job babe!

Kristi Drennan said...


MacPurdys said...

Great job Steve. You must be super proud of your accomplishment!


George said...

Holy Sheot dude! Nothing like raising the bar early.Nice!

Middle of the pack is damn impressive.
