Saturday, February 17, 2007

One last post from Vic's...

Just wanted to write a quick post to say that it might be awhile before I can post again. We're just wrapping everything up at Vic's and then sleeping at our house tonight! We don't have internet there yet but hopefully it won't be long! We rented an SUV today and picked up some big house stuff that we needed (closet organizers because our house doesn't have built in closets and 2 bedside tables that match our bed). We're just loading up the monsterous car/truck right now and then heading to our place to unpack. Thanks for all the comments about Jesse. You guys really did help to reassure me that Jes won't spend the remainder of his years, feeling like the cast away ex "house" pet, who's suddenly unloved and not wanted;) Cheers!


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the move guys. I'm getting ready to visit Jess so I'll drop you an email tonight. They said that he's doing great.


Selena said...
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