Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Let the rain fall down!

It started raining last night while we were having dinner's STILL raining and it's now almost dinner time today! This is a big deal because it NEVER rains for this long. I haven't experienced a rainy day like this since we left Canada. And, it's not just rain, it's pouring down, bouncing off pavement, your jeans are soaked to the knees from walking to work, rain....and I LOVE it! Funny how just having a rainy day can make it feel a little more like home. I think I was actually growing tired of always seeing the sun. Or, maybe it just makes me appreciate the rain more. I love the way it sounds hitting our tin roof when we're all curled up cozy in bed and I love hearing the cars driving through the puddles outside our house. I especially love the fact that a good ole rainy day reminds me of going to work in Canada and that whole feeling that comes with a grey rainy day. It's funny because people were coming into work SOAKED today and not a single person complained. Everyone said how thankful they were to see some real rain. It's kind of nice the way everyone comes together, to rejoice in the possible aid that this bit of water, falling from the sky, will offer the drought. One lady told me today, that when she was driving last night, there was a sign over the highway saying, "We are in drought. Enjoy every drop of rain." Kind of cool, I thought. Anyway, yeah rain!


Kat said...

I love watching/hearing the rain. Especially thunder & lightning!
Your post reminds of when Forrest Gump talked about the rain in Vietnam...
One day it started raining & it didn't quit for 4 mts. Little bit of stinGing rain, rain that flew in sideways, sometimes rain that seemed to come straight up from underneath! Heck, It even rained at night!
Yes, I love that movie!

Kristi Drennan said...

I love that sign over the highway! What a great gratitude post! Even when it rains in Manitoba (which it is doing right now too) it's not too bad because you know you can enjoy all the good stuff of it...sounds, feels etc...because you know it won't stick around for too long. But in Brisbane's case hopefully it'll stick around for a bit! It's all that Canadian blood chillin there! They bring some rain with them!