Thursday, October 02, 2008

The Plan...

I haven't been feeling much like blogging lately, as you may have noticed! For the first time in ages, I started to understand the whole "I don't really have anything to blog about" excuse but then I realized that I'm just being lazy. It's true, we haven't been doing any crazy adventures lately but we have been keeping busy with everyday things. I love the comment that my friend, Brianna left on my last post where she wrote...

"I think it's great that you're too busy to blog because it shows that you have really settled in and made a beautiful life for yourself in gorgeous, colorful, sunny Brisbane. Instead of viewing it as an outsider who needs to document it, you are now just living it. "

Brianna has such a wonderful way of choosing her words and I miss her positive energy a lot since she moved back to Canada. Thanks for still reading Brianna!

Anyway, I guess it's easy to think that everyday things aren't worth chatting about but sometimes it's nice to just be grateful for the boring ole day in, day out stuff. Especially when our daily stuff involves snakes and huntsman spiders (spiders that grow as large as dinner plates!). I always feel very inspired by my friend Kristi's blog, who often does gratitude posts and 'things she loves' posts. So, that's exactly what I'm gonna do. To make sure that I always have something to post about and to keep from taking our adventure in Oz for granted, I'm going to start posting about the stuff I'm grateful for each day (ok, probably not everyday, let's be realistic!), or just any ole thing that may catch my eye or heart on a given day. I'll try my best to take photos too because I've been slacking on that as well!

Oh and just as proof that even the boring stuff often turns into something exciting here is Brizzy...Steve went for a run the other evening and came home to tell me that he saw a 6-7 foot python snake on the path where he was running in the Botanical Gardens. While, I'd like to say I'm thankful for snakes, I'm not, but it is pretty cool that we get to see these kinds of critters (at a safe distance!) just walking around the city where we live!


Kristi Drennan said...

awww I love that my little things inspire you! Your big adventures inpsire me beyond! can't wait to see all the big a small days in the life of the Dickinson's and I can't wait to share bigger ones someday!

Anonymous said...

I miss you too! I love reading your blog but seeing you in person was better.