Thursday, November 22, 2007

A bit of an update...

There really hasn't been much happening with us, so there really isn't much to update, but here's what I can share...
We're still looking for a house to rent. Steve looked at a place yesterday for us and put in an application. We should know by today if we get it. As usual, I'm not getting my hopes up. The person who was supposed to be buying the house we're in now fell through and now 2 couples are looking into buying it together. One of the couples is planning to move in here, but not until the middle of next year, so there is a chance that they may offer for us to continue renting for another 6 months or so. That would be cool, but of course, we can't plan on that and will continue looking in the meantime.
This weekend is Steve's company Christmas party. It's a costume party. Everyone dresses in something "Christmasy". It's a secret at the moment about what we're going as, but I'm really looking forward to it! It's like combining Halloween (which I missed this year!) and Christmas. My work Christmas party is next weekend. It's all feeling very weird to me. Christmas shopping, wrapping, card writing and parties when it's sunny and warm. I'm not sure that Christmas will even feel like Christmas, but we're definitely going to do our best to make it special!
So, that covers the highlights (I told you there wasn't much going on with us!). Stay tuned for costume party pics!

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