Monday, July 04, 2011

Feeling thankful...

Things have been a bit up in air in our lives these last couple of months and to be completely honest, it's exhausting. We're both getting pretty tired of waiting and wondering and just not knowing. Today was a particularly blue day for me but I've been making a point of focusing on and appreciating all the positive and good things surrounding me each day and today was no exception. I've been snapping photos of all the things I'm grateful for on a daily basis for awhile now and have been writing in my gratitude journal as much as I can, but when my darling friend, Kate asked if I'd join her in writing three things I'm grateful for each day in the month of July, I thought it would be the perfect way to share, on occasion some of the random pictures I snap here and there of all the many things I love and am thankful for on my travels from one day to to the next. Here's just a few of the many photos taken with my phone lately and chosen from the long list in my journal...

...I am grateful for...

...matching, warm, cozy slipper boots that keep my toes snuggly and happy on chilly Melbourne nights. "...they make my toes feel like ten friends on a camping trip." I just love that line... trips to pretty places on sunny days...
...yummy, fresh fruit and veggies that help to keep my energy (and spirits!) up...
...thrift/vintage shops full of hidden treasure...
...early morning coffee (especially on extra chilly mornings!)...
...cute boots with wool tights and pretty dresses...
...pretty plants in simple pots that leave me feeling inspired to run away, buy a farm and live off the land (as a vegetarian with lots of pets, of course! :)...
...and most importantly, these two boys of mine, who make the cut on a pretty regular basis...

What are you grateful for today? Would you like to join me in writing 3 things a day that you are grateful for in the month of July? It's amazing what it can do for your spirits, even on the bluest of days! :)


Kristi Drennan said...

Love the cozy slippers and the colorful food. Yum!

Shannon said...

Your blog has a very vintage feel. Looks cool!

Shan said...

I love this post! You are so inspiring! Things are also pretty crazy with us since we have some big decisions to make soon. I'm trying to focus on being happy now and living in the present instead of focusing on the few difficult aspects of my life, but it's tough at times! XO