Monday, January 10, 2011

Summer in Melbourne... pretty great! Well, when it's not raining and it actually feels like summer! Last week, we had a couple of really nice days and made sure to take full advantage of them! I'm really glad we did because this week is calling for rain We've had a lot of rain all over Australia this year. My heart is breaking for those affected by the floods in Queensland, the state where we used to live. So, to stay cheerful, I'll cling to the memory of...

...treating ourselves to gelato...

...sitting in the grass downtown and watching the hustle and bustle go by...

...eating dinner outside...

...catching some rays as we wander around the pretty city...

...snacking on raspberries bought from the fruit stand on the street corner...

...and hanging with Jesse at the dog beach.
I really do love summer. I also really do love rain but I think we've had just about enough for now. Everything in balance. Please, come back sunshine!


Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

looks amazing :)

heather massey said...

hey cari, you look great,, did u get ur hair cut ? it looks really good

Nick and Mariana Vona said...

Hey Cari,
You have been busy updating the blog, ha? =) lol
I am having a hard time catching up with all your updates. Man you're fast!!! hehehe
I am back from the nasty flu I got and will be blogging again soon.

Cheers and keep up with the blog. It is good reading material and nice pics.

Cari said...

Thanks Alycia and Mariana!

Heather...I did get my hair cut. No more dry ends! And I've been using Moroccan oil and it's amazing! Thanks for noticing. You're the only person who noticed, even in person people didn't notice! :)