Tuesday, February 22, 2011

An evening stroll...

I've had a few challenging days lately. It's been tough getting into the routine of working full time again and making time to take care of my health, my dog, my house, etc...all while having the time to do the fun stuff life is really all about. Balance is hard to achieve and I'm learning that without balance, I'm unhappy. I'm slowly finding my groove again though and more optimistic it's achievable with each new week. One thing that always, always helps to clear my head and put things in perspective is a walk around our neighborhood with Steve and Jesse...
There's just so much to see and I'm so grateful to live in the neighborhood that we do. Our evening walks have become something I really look forward to, even on the days when I'm exhausted and cranky!
Did you know that Melbourne is home to the largest tram network in the world?
It's been cooling off lately. I'm wondering when autumn will make it's grand entrance. I'm not sure I'm quite ready for it just yet...
This is Jesse's buddy. He lives around the corner from us and Jesse will actually refuse (put all paws in a full halt position and not move) to cut down the street that means not going past this puppy's house. So, we always pass his home and as we approach, Jesse cries and whines the entire way to the gate, pulling hard on the leash until we reach the place where this oh so cute pooch awaits. I've never seen Jesse so in love with another dog. It's pretty cute! They sniff, play through the gate and make lots of crying noises to each other. Maybe they are soul mate puppies torn apart by humans and large iron gates...?
Haha! There's construction going on everywhere in our neighborhood at the moment. This is Steve being a dork. Pretty funny though, if I must admit! :)

I miss my family today. Lots. Just sayin' is all. I miss you guys! xoxo


Nicole said...

gorgeous pictures.

heather said...

we miss you too...

Shan said...

I hear you, Cari! It's hard to have a balanced life, especially with a full-time job and a baby! I have also really been missing my family lately, but the job prospects in the Maritimes are really not good right now in our fields, so I'm trying to be grateful for everything I have- a job I (usually) love, a wonderful husband, and a super cute son who I adore. My Mom and Aunt Dar are coming to visit in May after this semester is over and I can't wait!!!

Cari said...

Thanks Nicole!

Heather...thanks! xoxo

Shannon...I don't know how you do it with a baby! I really, truly don't think I could. You're a star! And, yeah for company...that will be lovely!

JMay said...

These pics are so cool. I love evening walks w/ man my too :-)

Cute blog lady!

ferestre pvc oferte said...

I had no idea that Melbourne ahs the largest tram network. It’s always nice to learn new things. The last picture is just hilarious. I couldn’t stop laughing when I saw it. Just perfect!