Friday, June 19, 2009


See that shelf tucked in there behind the toilet and by the tub? I had 9 tea light candles in cute little glass holders sitting there. They looked really pretty and I was looking forward to my first candle light bubble bath. Then, I made the mistake of leaving Jesse for a couple of hours to run errands. Big, big mistake.
I came home to find this mess just outside the bathroom door, scattered all over the hall floor...
Yup, 9 tea light candles missing, some metal and oh yeah... I knew he had eaten the 9 candles for sure. I had no idea how much metal or even glass he had eaten as well...
I mean, really...candles?? I puppy proof this house like crazy every single time I leave, regardless of if I'll be gone 10 minutes or 10 hours, but never in almost 8 years has he gone at candles...well wait. He did eat a camping candle once, but usually house ones are safe or so I thought. I guess I was wrong...
Steve came home and we decided we had no choice but to break out the ole salt and water. A teaspoon of salt in some water, shoved to the back of the dog's throat induces vomiting. We've done it a couple of times now.
It feels so cruel. Oh, how Jesse hates it, but it's all for his own good. The sooner we get the metal and wax and possible glass out of his belly, the better! Plus, we didn't want to be up all night with a sick dog.
Once we give him the salt, we wait. Jesse was very annoyed at us and chose to ignore the camera in his face. Sadly, it took 3 teaspoons of salt and water to get him to vomit! Could he actually be one of those rare creatures that can even stomach being gagged by salt? I swear, this dog has an iron stomach! Anyway, finally, he was sick. This was after me saying to him over and over in a cute little puppy sort of voice, "Jeddy have a wittle puke." (and no, I didn't just misspell "little"). I wanted to be mad at him for the candles and naughty behavior but I was just too worried about his tummy!

I decided to save you the pleasure of viewing the puke, but be was insane how much wax pieces were in there!

He's been fine ever since and I've moved all candles to a high position. I'm sure he'll find a candle replacement treat though. Nothing seems safe! Shouldn't be be outgrowing this by now??


Kristie said...

a syringe full of hydrogen peroxide works just as well - had to do that to Sushi the other day after she ate a pacifier...

Kristi Drennan said...

And the time he ate my cookies..

I still want to eat those.

Ha ha ha!

Nick and Mariana Vona said...

Awww poor Jesse!!
He looks soo sad on the picture!
Good to hear he is doing ok now.

Kat said...

Geez, what a bugger! I really hope he's ok. :-(