I'm Cari. I live in Melbourne with my very lovable husband, Steve and my very adorable dog, Jesse. I blog about just about everything from life as a Canadian living down under to things that inspire and make me happy. I use my blog to share my adventures but also as an online journal of my life. Thanks for reading!
On Saturday we took mom to Byron Bay to go snorkeling at Julian Rocks. The visibility was decent and the water was warm, there was lots to see, everyone had a good time.
Mom trying on a mask.... Lots of turtles were out and about. There was an underwater photo competition going on so there were lots of divers around with some really nice underwater cameras. I believe this is a type of Lion Fish. He/she was absolutely beautiful...It was hanging out on a large rock wall.
Like I said there was a lot of divers swimming below us. I think I surprised the 3 divers in the below picture, I don't think they were expecting a snorkeler to be down at there depth. Lots of fish were out.
There were also lots of Wobbegong's . Mom snorkeling This is a type of Moray Eel.
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