This may be of no interest to anyone reading this, but still I feel compelled to bore you with the details. In February I started seeing a Nutritionist/Naturopath, for the following reasons:
- Problems with digestion and tummy pain
- Chronic tiredness
- Headaches
- Neck and Back pain
...these were all the main ones and they'd been a problem for years but have progressively got much worse in the last 4 years.
Anyway, I had a whole wack of tests run in February, checking all my levels and had a blood test done to see what foods I was sensitive to. Turned out that I was very sensitive to dairy, wheat, soy and nuts. So, since that time, I have stopped eating any foods that have these things in them (I do enjoy the occasional treat from time to time), started taking supplements (vitamin B, calcium/magnesium/zinc, a good bacteria for the belly, vitamin C, a digestive enzyme and one called thyrosin, which is supposed to assist in thyroid issues). It sounds like a lot but slowly, as my levels reach optimal numbers, I will be able to decrease and then completely stop taking them. I have also been having regular acupuncture treatments on my neck, back and belly, and most recently have started drinking Chinese Herbs, twice a day for everything from digestion to circulation. I walk daily and have just finished my 4th yoga class, in hopes of strengthening my back and overall body. Having brought you all up-to-date, this is where I stand after having just got my first follow-up blood test results back.
- My overall blood levels have all improved, including my platelets, which have always, for as long as I can remember, never gone above 90 000. Normal is between 150 000 and 450 000. Mine are at 106 000, which is still low but actually good for me! This is progress people!
- My Vitamin B12 levels have gone from 370 to 850 (not exactly sure what those numbers mean, but it's a big improvement and explains why I'm not feeling as tired as I usually do).
- My calcium is still very low, which means that my body is still not absorbing the supplement the way it should. I was told this is probably because my digestion is still not 100%. Apparently, digestion makes a huge difference in how well your body absorbs iron and calcium...
- ...which brings me to my iron...still very low. It has actually gone up since last time, which means that all the red meat I have been eating has helped but it's still way too low. Last time my iron number was 25, this time it was at 35. The nutritionist says it should be at 80. Again, not sure what these numbers mean, but it's not great. I have to start taking an iron supplement, even though iron is hard on the tummy. The low iron is a good reason why I still feel tired.
- Finally, there are a bunch of thyroid numbers that they look at and unfortunately, my have actually got worse. The Naturopath says it is a sign of infection in the body or perhaps allergies or sensitivities.
So where do I go from here? I keep doing all that I've been doing and I have to go for a scope which I'm DREADING but it may help to get an idea of exactly what is going on with my tummy and digestion. I have also been referred to a rheumatologist, by my doctor, just to rule out anything more serious with my neck/back pain and headaches and there is a blood test that can be done that tests to see if you are sensitive to 96 different foods. I would like to get this done, as there may be something I'm eating, that bothers my tummy and I think it's good for me, so I'm eating it often. The test includes everything from green pepper to sesame.
After all that, I feel a little discouraged that the follow-up tests didn't show more improvement, but I have to remind myself that it is going to take time and even the little bit of improvement I've already noticed is WAY better than how I felt even 4 months ago. My goal coming here was to be feeling really healthy by the time I go back to visit Canada, and since that's still a couple of years away, I think it's realistic.
Whoa, it feels good to have all that out of my head and written down! Thanks to all of you who read the whole thing!